Friday, September 11, 2009

musings, if i may!

There are many things I have to do at this very moment, but I chose to pen some thoughts down…. Just that when the thoughts get inevitable and have no solutions, one can always pen them down and philosophies. Like the other day the girls got together asking me how did I know that I was ready to marry, how did I know that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with…do I ever sit back and wonder how life would have been had I gone the other way etc….

It is then that I sat back to think, that most of the times we think of how it would have been when it is clearly not the best day of our life…. Something is going a lil off-key and we want to quickly slip into dream mode and think of how life would be and more such musings that keep us amused just the right amount so that we can get up and hit the kitchen and go on with the chores… but frankly, how fair is it to compare the sad days with some happy hypothesis and tell ourselves to move on…. ridiculous…

If you want to find things to be depressed about, you will find them even at duty-free stores, sold dime-a-doz… but it is still not going to be worth it!

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