Thursday, July 23, 2009

madness contd...

Tomorrow’s supposed to be a very high, high tide! Well, it’s a normal enough phenomenon but somehow we are all supposed to be scared and locked up in our rooms, thanks to how effortlessly we are screwed up our drainages…. Not completely complaining cause I would not mind a holiday at all…and long weekends are just the need of the hour!

In fact, this weekend might be a special one, after nearing two years of marriage, Hub n I might be going for the marriage prep course. Jesus won’t certify out marriage unless we hear those good people out. Interesting….

Given that the first couple of years after marriage that is supposed to be the toughest, we got through all that without any words of wisdom coming from any end… and after all the mess and crap is over, we decide to prepare ourselves of marriage :)
But then, that’s just us… We just love doing things all topsy-turvy!


  1. lets hope all is good for you for a long time!

  2. I admire your country from afar......namaste.... I have high hope for vj mallya and the force india f1 team...... i think there is a race there next year.....

  3. I work for Vijay Mallaya... but know nothing about the race :) as for admiring our country, i recommend you take a trip. its far more prettier that way!

  4. no way! thats too cool! do you work for his airline or the force india f1 team? I speak a little hindi and wish i could travel there because the pictures are beautiful!!!!
